Other Work
Spinning Arts
After spinning fire with the club for two years, I became a trainer for the Spinning Arts Club. The next year I was elected as President of the club, a position I served in from Fall 2022 to Spring 2023.
During the time I was on the exec, we brought the club back from being decimated by two years lost to COVID. We also developed new working relationships, such as our ongoing glow shows with MIT Open Spaces, and expanded the props we’re able to offer club members for practice and performance.
Here is a video of my performance at the 2021 Novemburn show:
Centrifugues is an MIT a capella group that specializes in mashups and medleys. Our tagline is “most number of songs per song!”
I was a member of Centrifugues for four years, and Music Director for two semesters. During that time, I also arranged several songs, including the one I soloed for in this video:
In addition to applying myself to clubs and work, I do digital and physical artwork. Here are some of my favorites:
Top Left: “Breathe”, digital art. As a reference photo I used a a photo of my friend breathing fire.
Top Right: Door art, paint. This is painted on the door of my dorm room.
Bottom Left: “Self-portrait”, digital art. Reference photo was a photo of myself.
Bottom Right: “Knif”, digital art. Reference photo was of a throwing knife stabbed into a block of wood.