

REX Week Build Project

Every year, my college living group builds a large wooden structure for MIT’s Residential Exhange Week to show off its creativity. I’ve participated in building, leading portions of construction efforts, and teaching tool use and safety to other students for three years of projects.

“Blue Origin” Ferris Wheel:

Three-story fort:

Swing ride:

Three-story “Battlestar” fort build progress:

Roller Coaster + three story fort + Rockwall build progress:

Roller Coaster and Rockwall Fort at night:

MIT News also produced a video about the roller coaster:

Room Upgrades

I worked on projects for my room for several years while at MIT.

Bed Lofts + Stairs (built in room):

Planter Box:

Trick Box

The Trick Box was built as a final project for intro to stagecraft. It has a false lid which turns and shifts dramatically, leading someone to believe they can eventually wiggle it free from the box. The truth is that the false lid is held fast to the sides of the box, and the bottom of the box is removeable.